a what's new page
in case you come here a lot. updated 6.3.99
New! - Receive email when my 'What's New' page is updated.
all in your head: living with a mood disorder
my ongoing battle with depression
cards from lisa's mind
the poems
more insight into my psyche . . .
my feminism
theories, rants, and activism all rolled up in one . . .
goddess spirituality
Mostly a previously unpublished article by moi
books that i have read and loved - updated 7/15/98
about me
. . .
some random facts . . . photos soon to arrive
usenet posts
of some of my friends . . . ok . . right now just rob (hunny bunny) and ewa .
. .
photo album
the beginnings of an online family photo album
awards, and memberships
the guestbook
wise women webring
info on the webring i maintain (join it join it!)
some links
not many at all
bookmark file
sunshine and lollypops
for fred, who wasn't dead, but still doesn't talk to me much at all.
web authoring links
some tutorials and free stuff