I some of us have forgotten our wings not wings of angels majestic, white, barren: pure? how sad that would be what pressure :for nothing what sacrifice white robed white winged white white white white white is that good?or right? -might is right- (yes) nor wings of devils blackened, reeking, batlike, clawed ugliness = pure evil(so simple it is but what is ugly/is beautiful ? - the mighty decide) (no; not angels nor devils we) -might is right is beauty- ?.
II wings remembered ache painfully confined beneath skin and bone and misuse remembered wings itch twitch yearn to fly (for the first time or thousandth it matters not; they remember how ) it is we who forget. in forgetting, we stumble about. in forgetting, we destroy ourselves.
III -phoenix- destruction-broken-not whole and I crush my bones to powder I will rise tear eyes from sockets to pound into blood wine I will burn myhairmyclothesmyflesh I will til all is dust will rise rise again dust to dust I will rise again birth to rebirth again reborn darkly opalescent I will rise from ashes from dust I will rise spread shimmering wings rise again shake off the afterbirth of rebirth rise again reborn
IV and again I shall fall.