more importantly, am i sane?
to answer the second question, i must answer the first . . . in the legal sense (and this is my simplistic analysis, i may be thinking of law school, but i ain't there yet) yes, i am . . . i know right from wrong . . . i may question it, but that is not a function of my sanity . . .
but sanity is not merely knowing right from wrong . . . is it some interpretation of the range of normalcy and 'normal' behavior? . . . does one have to have hallucinations to be insane? how severe do they have to be? sane and insane are not so clearly defined as society at large would like us to think . . . those people who are 'sane' want to keep themselves and their minds removed from 'insanity' . . .
but i am way off the point here . . . i think i will never be able to define sanity clearly . . . but am i sane? i don't know . . . would a sane person do the things i do? would a sane person seriously think of purposely injuring or killing herself? i don't know . . .