all in your head: living with a mood disorder
b o o k s These are some books that I have found helpful in understanding the nature of my illness. To purchase any of these, visit the bookstore
Depression: The Mood Disease by Francis Mark Mondimore, M.D. is an easily understandable book about the medical basis for mood disorders. It discusses the various types of mood disorders, their symptoms, and medications used for the treatment of mood disorders. One of my therapists reccommended this book to me and I found it very helpful in understanding the medical basis for my illness.
Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel is a memoir which I really felt that I could relate to. I think that this is for several reasons. First of all, the time in her life that she is writing about is roughly the age that I am. Also, her symptoms are fairly close to mine in some respects. This is a well writen personal account that I barely put down.
An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jameson is a memoir written by a woman who ihas bipolar disorder and who is an expert in the subject. It provides both a personal view of this illness and professional perspective. Even though I am not personally bipolar, I found that a lot of the things that she felt were things that I could relate to, especially her issues with medication in the beginning.

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